Hot tubs are a great place to bond with family and friends or relax after a long week. However, where you place your hot tub determines whether or not you will enjoy using it. Some spots restrict your access to your hot tub, which means you will only use the tub once in a while.
Other locations for your tub can interfere with your privacy and comfort. Thus, take time to think about the best placement for your tub before the tub arrives. Below are essential factors to consider when choosing hot tub placement.
Once delivered, the installers need to move your hot tub from the driveway to the installation point. As such, you'll need the hot tub delivery crew to have a clear pathway. So when you decide on a placement point, map out a path the delivery crew can use and ensure
there is enough space to move the tub.
If there is no space between your driveway and the placement spot, you may have to remove some structures to make way. Alternatively, you can ask your dealership to deliver the hot tub using a crane.
Another accessibility aspect you must consider is the distance between your hot tub and your house. No one wants to come out of the warmth of a hot tub and walk through frigid air to reach their house. So your tub should be as near the house as possible. If you want access to your hot tub during winter, consider placing the fixture indoors.
Your tub might look lightweight in the showroom, but the tub is quite heavy. Even a small tub can weigh several thousand pounds when filled with water.
Given a hot tub's weight, consider placing it on a solid surface that can withstand its weight. Think of options like a concrete slab, brick, paving stones, or gravel. Before installing your hot tub, consult a structural engineer to know whether the structure on which you want to place the fixture can accommodate the weight.
Hot tubs are a place for relaxation. But it's hard to loosen up when the kids next door can stare at you from their bedroom windows. If you feel squeamish about people seeing you in the hot tub, consider placing it indoors or in an enclosed structure like a gazebo.
Your landscaping is also a good hiding spot for your hot tub. Just place your tub in a spot in your yard surrounded by trees, vines, and shrubbery.
A hot tub is useless without water. But when you place your tub in the wrong place, you risk water damage to the surrounding structures. Think about a location where you can safely drain the water from your tub.
The best spot for your hot tub is one near a drain or someone you can easily set up a drain. Ensure the drain from your hot tub directs water away from the tub's equipment chamber. If you place your hot tub over a wooden structure, coat the wood with a sealant to prevent wood rot.
Placement is also essential for routine maintenance and repairs. If you place your hot tub in an accessible area, you can easily keep up with water quality checks, even in bad weather. The location of your hot tub should also allow technicians to repair the fixture easily in case one of its internal components sustains damage.
Most hot tubs have an equipment access panel at the top or side. The access panel allows technicians to access the functional components beneath your hot tub during routine maintenance and repairs. Thus, when choosing a location for your hot tub, ensure the placement allows you to open the access panel fully.
If, after considering the factors above, you know the perfect spot for your hot tub, why don't you order it now? Contact us today for the best hot tubs in Colorado.
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